Friday, September 14, 2012

Get to Know a Wedding Photographer: McFadden Studios

Today we have an interview with Chelsi and Cameron of McFadden Studios! Based in Mendocino, CA (near where I grew up!), I love their quirky style. Check it out:

Tell us a bit about yourself and your company

Hi, we are Chelsi and Cameron. Not only are we husband and wife, but we also own and operate McFadden Studios. We have three beautiful boys who of course are our favorite models.

We are by no means a company. We are just two people who adore LOVE. We want to give our clients something to cherish for a lifetime. We are here to take care of the moments.

See more of the interview and their beautiful photography after the cut!

How did you get into wedding photography?

In spring of 2010, Chelsi created a facebook page to store her personal photography. She hadn?t really considered a career in photography as she is a part-time dental assistant. A young lady saw her work and asked if she would be willing to shoot her wedding. Since then, she has captured many weddings, couples, families, and children. It?s been a privilege and an honor to be part of so many people?s lives.

What is your favorite part of the wedding day to capture?

This is a two part answer. Cameron?s favorite part of the day to capture is the general surroundings. He loves nature and small details that not many people would think to capture. He also loves taking candid shots.

Chelsi on the other hand LOVES capturing her bride and groom. The moments that they share prior to or even just after their ceremony are so fleeting and wonderful. Capturing love is her main goal and it?s not hard to accomplish.

What is the most awkward moment you?ve experienced while on the job?

We have both had the experience of either a friend or family member honing in on the photography for our bride and groom?s big day. While we appreciate that everyone wants to capture their own memories it is very difficult to shoot around people who just seem to want to be in the way of every shot. We have had to ask a friend or family member on occasion to step aside, and that is always awkward.

What?s the best thing you ever ate at a wedding?

Cake. We don?t think that there is anything better than wedding cake. We aren?t picky. We love it all.

What is your favorite venue and why?

Our favorite venue that we have actually shot at is The Boonville Hotel in Philo, California. We love vintage locations with classic charm. We are dying to shoot at Spring Ranch in Littler River, CA.

Nikon or Canon?

Nikon all the way. Cameron started out with Nikon N80s many years ago and because of that was drawn to the Nikon DSLRs. Nikon lenses and bodies are the only way to go for us, however we don?t think that Nikon is superior to Canon or visa versa. It?s just us.

What is your dream location to shoot a wedding?

I think our dream location would have to be either Paris, France or somewhere on the coast of Ireland. Chelsi is simply in love with France and Cameron?s heritage is irish. It just goes to reason that Ireleand would be the place to be.

If you could shoot any celebrity wedding (past, present or future), who would be the lucky couple?

You?re all going to think this is a funny answer, but here it goes. We shoot celebrities all the time. Not in the big screen, fame and fortune sense. No. Each one of our clients is a celebrity because each and every person is unique. Every wedding is amazing and fantastic. These photographers are not star struck. Of course if Brad Pitt were to ask for our wedding pricing, we would not complain. However, all of our clients are superstars to us.

What?s the biggest lesson you?ve learned, and would pass along to other new wedding photographers just getting started?

Practice. Practice. Practice. Never stop shooting. The more you shoot, the better you become.

Never undercut the competition. f you want to shoot for fun and practice ask a friend or family memeber to go out, but don?t offer your services for free. Your skill is worth something and eventually when you feel like it?s time to ?go pro? your clients will not appreciate a sudden charge for your services.

Respect the people in the biz who have been there a while. Until you have walked a mile in their shoes, you have no idea what it has been like for them and how hard they have worked to get where they are.

Be true to yourself! Find what you love about photography and do it. Don?t be an all inclusive photography studio. Find what you are good at and perfect it.

Thanks Chelsi! To see more about McFadden Studios, check out their WeddingPhotoLove profile or head straight to their website.

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