Saturday, May 19, 2012

Writing Guru Top 5 SEO Secrets From the International Business Guru

As ? business director, owner ?r senior manager you may h?v? nev?r heard of a writing guru. However if you ?r your business ha? anyth?ng t? d? with an online presence, then ??u need to get u? to speed asap b?f?re ??u miss the boat.

Just ?? business gurus ?re n? strangers to conventional ?ff line business, a writing guru is key to achieving exponential internet seo (search engine optimisation) natural organic growth.

Many offline businesses fail miserably when making th? transition fr?m off-line business to on-line business. Utilising the writing content skills of a conventional sales and marketing writer and proofreading specialist ar? usuall? tw? of th? fir?t mistakes made.

It is critical to understand internet seo, what it is, wh?t it isn't, wh?t ?t's f?r ?nd what it isn't f?r b?for? ev?n contemplating writing content for your new online business.

For a number of years internet seo companies ?nd just ab?ut ?very individual tech guru I have ?v?r employed basked in th? glory ?f wh?t conventional business gurus call th? Voodoo ?nd black magic ?f internet seo.

It suited th?m ?ll to maintain ?n aura ?f mystic ?nd elitism ?b?ut SEO, b?c?u?? ?t enabled th?m to charge higher fees and dictate th? terms ?f the?r retainers.

In reality on?? ?ou crunch through th? waffle ?nd bull**it and employ ? number ?f the?e seo specialists, it b?com?s clear and apparent that internet seo ?? not half ?s difficult a? ??me specialists would have y?u believe.

Now it ?? fair to state th?t th?r? are obviou?ly ? number ?f v?ry professional ?nd successful seo tech gurus in th? online marketplace. The problem ?? finding them.

As th? international business guru my full time occupation i? a business growth consultant. I assist many businesses fr?m multiple business sectors and h?ve provided m? business support, advice, training and consultation services in 42 different countries.

For the past few years I h?v? b?en heavily involved ?n producing alternative complimentary revenue generation streams for offline businesses b? placing th?m online.

This means that I h?v? personally dealt with many web design companies, web developers, programmers ?nd search engine optimisation specialists. When I tell you th?t I hav? h?d to fire 6 major seo companies ?n th? last 2 years ?t sh?uld give you an indication ?f how poor th? service offered by som? ?f th? major players is.

All ?f the seo companies I fired were dismissed be??us? they failed to achieve m?re th?t wh?t we could achieve ?ur?elv?s in-house. They ?ll made lots of promises but ?ll failed t? deliver mor? v?lue than cost.

Whenever I enter ? new business that h?s ? desire to make the transition to ?n online presence, virtually ?very business owner states that he or she want t? achieve first place on Google. I kn?w thi? ?s n?t just something I h?v? c?m? across, ?? m?ny ?ther business gurus tell me th?y receive th? s?m? feedback.

So Google f?rst position on page ?n? i? the bench mark that m??t business owners hav? ?n th?ir minds. Frequently when dealing with most seo companies th?? will inform ?ou that this mind-set ?s pre-programmed for failure.

All ??x ?f the seo companies I fired insisted when th?? signed u? for th?ir monthly retainer fees,that to achieve a f?rst position listing ?n Google i? a 9 t? 18 month task for any new web site. Numerous reasons were g?v?n for this, but ?ft?r you learn about internet seo ?nd h?w ?t works, y?u soon realise th?? is factually incorrect.

In my experience employing a proven internet seo writing guru ?an g?t y?u high rankings ?n a rel?tiv?l? short time frame. The problem ?s finding ? proven internet seo writing guru i? v?r? difficult becau?e th?y ?re frequently snatched up by the larger seo companies.

However with th? proliferation ?f businesses expanding ?n th? internet ?t is becoming more common place t? source a writing guru t? produce all ?our online writing content ?nd internet seo proofreading at ? v?r? realistic seo price.

This article i? only focussed ?n natural organic growth positioning fr?m producing written articles f?r organic search engine positioning.

Writing guru top 5 seo secrets by th? international business guru describes h?w retaining the services of a writing guru t? promote y?ur online sales & marketing, or internet seo ??n hel? grow ?our business exponentially at ? great seo price.

Business gurus ar? actively promoting ? writing guru for writing content t? slay online business competitors at great writing rates. A tech guru do?sn't h?ve th? internet seo proofreading skills t? succeed.

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